Zeit ich zurück nach Deutschland gekommen bin, wollte ich ausprobieren wie es ist Vegetarier zu sein (Von Jana beeinflüsst!). Hat leider nicht so gut geklappt... Ich wollte kein Fleisch essen, aber meine Körper braucht Eiweiss weil ich viel trainiere. Meine Kopf hat den ganzen Tag weh getan und mir war schwindelich.
Etter at jeg kom hjem fra Tyskland ville jeg prøve ut hvordan det er å være vegetarianer (Påvirket av Jana!). Det gikk ikke så bra... Jeg ville ikke spise noe kjøtt, men kroppen min trenger det siden jeg trener mye. Jeg hadde vondt i hodet hele dagen og var svimmel.
And what does American people think of vegetarians?
Middle-Aged woman: Damn vegetarians, always trying to take over the world.
--Starbucks, 51st & Broadway
Man to group of young people: It ain't natural. Our bodies, they have the hormones to digest meat. If we were like a goat--and not to insult you, miss, 'cause you're prettier than a goat--but then that's okay that we don't eat meat. But we ain't. We're carnivores. If you're a vegetarian, you gotta listen to your body. It's tellin' you: "Meat me!" You know, like, "Meat me!"
--Washington Square Park
Anyway... I'll try again soon. I'll start taking a lot of vitamines and become the healthies human on Earth =)
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