
Long time, no writing

Katrin hat mir für 9 Tage besucht, Schule hat wieder angefangen... Jetzt bin ich wieder beim Arbeit. Anne-Lise (mitarbeiterin) hat dieseSeite an die Computer öffnen gelassen =) Spass!

Katrin var på besøk i 9 dager, skolen har startet igjen... Nå jobber jeg igjen. Anne-Lise lot denne
sida stå oppe på dataen da vi bytta vakt =) Moro!

"Putting The LOL In Little Old Lady"
(I’m checking out my last customer, a little old lady, before covering a break when another customer starts unloading his stuff into the register. Note that I’ve shut off my light and put a “lane closed” sign up.)
Me: “I’m sorry, sir, my lane is closed. I have to go to another department and cover a break.”
Other customer: “Well, isn’t that just f***ing convenient for you!”
(Right on cue, the little old lady I was helping turns to the other customer.)
Little old lady: “Who the h*** peed in your cornflakes this morning?!”
Other customer: *storms off*
(I hugged the lady and she is now a regular of mine.)

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